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Quick Tips To Stay Safe

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Safety Tips from a Private Security Guard

Private security guards will do as much as possible to keep people safe in public spaces. But there are times when a security guard isn’t always nearby, or when you need to take care of yourself in certain situations.

In this post, we’ll draw on our experience as security guards to share some quick safety tips for everyday use.

Safeguard Your Car
If you’re out on a shopping excursion, remember that there may also be criminals just waiting to take advantage of your new purchases too!

When parking your car in public areas, opt for a parking garage or lot – preferably with security guards or cameras. Whilst parking on a side street may not incur a parking fee, it could also mean that your car is in a secluded area where break-ins could occur. It’s also safer for you to come back to a car in a well-trafficked or secure area.

Never leave your handbag, mobile phone, wallet, electronics, shopping bags, or personal items in your car – especially in plain sight. If you must leave possessions in your car, lock them away in the trunk or stow them in the glove compartment, out of sight.

A Night Out
If you’re planning to have a big night out on the town, there are numerous things you can do to safeguard yourself.

Make sure your mobile phone is charged, and add an “ICE” number to your phone. ICE stands for “In Case of Emergency”, and is a designated contact number on your phone that can help police, paramedics, or security professionals to find out vital information should you become incapacitated.

If you are consuming alcohol, take note of how much you drink, and do not leave your beverage unattended.

If possible, stick with a group or with friends. Let them know when you’re leaving your home, or what time they can expect to meet you.

Make plans for how you will be getting home before you leave. If you are using public transport, always look up transit times and know when your local bus stops running. Also keep some cash and the numbers of a few local taxi companies on you, just in case.

Be Vigilant
You don’t need to be paranoid and looking over your shoulder every 10 minutes. But awareness of your surroundings is vital. Criminals often look for people who seem drunk or distracted.

Be attentive of who’s around you, and how close they may be walking to next to you. Pickpockets prefer busy urban and city areas, where they can blend in and get close without seeming suspicious. Again, stick with friends if possible. Avoid walking and texting, or constantly looking down at your mobile phone.

Don’t act like a victim. Be polite but confident when dealing with people. If a car pulls up next to you to ask for directions, you can give directions without walking up to the window or getting too close.

Trust your gut. If you feel that you are being followed, or that someone is giving you unwanted attention, trust that intuition. You can always let someone know – tell a friend, a bartender, manager, or security guard. If you are walking alone, try to find a restaurant, bar, café, or shop that you can go into to get help.

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