The concierge is the first face people see when they enter your building and your guests trust that they will provide valuable advice and services that will keep them satisfied – these friendly individuals can be hired through concierge companies. Broward residents love interacting with a concierge but are also aware of the importance of good security in a building lobby. What if there was a cost-effective way to kill two birds with one stone? Private security concierge companies offer the unique hybrid of security officers that are well-trained in public relations. They’ll keep your guests happy and they’ll detect, deter, observe and report and suspicious activity occurring in your building.
Uniformed Concierge
Nothing gives your building the same aura of class like a concierge. Amicable greetings, helpful information and daily convenience services such as mail package receipt are some of the many benefits that come with having a qualified concierge. The truth is that much of their time is spent sitting idly, waiting for interaction from residents. This time could be spent more effectively in playing the role of a security guard. Your concierge is generally situated in one of the most vulnerable parts of your building: the front lobby. This area experiences high foot traffic and intruders can take advantage of this by slipping in amongst the crowds. A concierge that is able to observe people entering and exiting the building as well as keep an eye on CCTV feeds from other areas of the building is a huge security asset. Private security companies offer individuals who perform both functions with ease.
Cost-Saving with Concierge Companies
We get it, wages and salaries are a significant expense and companies can be reluctant to hire new employees. The hiring process involves time spent on interviews, training costs and all the legislated employment benefits that the employer must offer. That’s often why the best route is to outsource. Using a concierge company saves you the time that you’d spend searching for a qualified individual as well as the administrative headache and costs of training your concierge. If you use a private security company, then you essentially get two employees for the price of one as your concierge doubles as uniformed security. Broward, along with the rest of the U.S, has seen increasing competition in most industries and for this reason, minimizing your costs is particularly important for maintaining margins when there is downward pressure on prices.
Why Do Broward Residents Feel Safer with a Uniformed Concierge?
Recent tragic events of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Broward County have led to a feeling of unease amongst residents. Fear has a crippling effect that makes people reluctant to venture outside their homes unless there is visible security in high-risk areas. A uniformed concierge who is known to carefully scrutinize those entering a building and who can quickly identify unusual behavior provides this peace of mind to innocent people using your property. The fact that this concierge will also act as a deterrent to wrongdoers who wish to avoid being caught is an important point to consider. You want people to feel safe when using your property, or else they may stop using it entirely.
Concierge companies are not all equal. You can only be sure that your uniformed concierge will be effective if they’ve gone through comprehensive background checks and rigorous training. Inter State Security Corp prides itself on providing the very best in concierge and security hybrid officers, and you can be sure that when difficult situations arise, our concierges will be well-equipped for the task at hand. If you are serious about security and a welcoming presence in your building, call us today for a free consultation.