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A Security Consultant’s Tips For Crime Prevention Strategies

Security Consultant

They old saying is true “Prevention is better than cure” is especially true when it comes to crime. The best way to make sure you are not a victim is meticulous preparation to prevent yourself or business from being a target. If you follow these steps from our security consultants, you will have a better chance of not becoming a victim.

Crime Prevention At Home

When protecting your castle there are a number of things you can do to help make sure that you are keeping your home and occupants safe. The great start is to get a professional security company in to do a proper observation of your property and your unique security requirements. They will be able to make a few suggestions, such as:

  • Install A Burglar Alarm System

    This is the simplest and the most effective security measure and is very discreet.

  • Install Sensors

    You can have sensors fitted in your house that pick up movement and heat signatures. These can also be connected to your windows and doors which will alert you to them being opened.

  • Install Infra-Red Beams

    If you are looking for an even wider sense of security you can get a professional company to set up infra-red beams and cameras in your yard, allowing you to monitor the outside of your house even from the office or while you are away.

Gated Communities and HOA’s

Gated communities and neighborhoods with a strong HOA presence are often one of the safest neighborhoods to live in – especially if monitored by a seasoned and professional security company.

Some things to consider when you appoint a security company to a community like this:

  • Access Control

    Monitoring each vehicle and person entering the community allows for better control of guests in the neighborhood or complex, and is a deterrent to anybody who might want to commit a crime or have illicit intent. A professional company should be able to control guests entering and exiting in a professional manner and with great customer care.

  • Marked Patrol

    Patrolling marked security cars as well as unmarked patrols in the area is another element that will help deter unwanted behavior.

  • Security Cameras

    Installing state of the art CCTV technology will and effective security measure to monitor more areas and ensure maximum coverage, giving HOA ​​​​​​and yet another deterrent to potential criminals, making them think more than twice before deciding to target your community.

Crime Prevention At work

Wanting to feel safe and secure at work unhindered in your ability to get on with things is not an unreasonable expectation. Having security services see to these needs is invaluable. Some things to consider when implementing crime prevention methods in the work place include:

  • Concierge Services

    The first contact a customer has is at your parking or building entrance. You want this to be with a certified and professional guard who has the knowledge and expertise to run it diligently and still make customers feel welcome.

  • Visible Security

    When a customer or employee enters your place of business you want them to feel secure and know that they are being looked after. Having visible security presence intermittently located around the area is a great way to achieve this.

  • Surveillance Technology

    Being able to track customers in the building is a good way of keeping everyone safe. For example, knowing where a person was last seen if they go missing on your premises becomes an easier task if you have installed the right surveillance technology. A professional security company will have the equipment and skill set to keep a track of anybody in the building using the latest CCTV technology and staff.

  • Uniformed And Plain Clothed Officers

    Having uniformed officers on the business floor will also help you to deter any unwanted or illicit behavior. There is no price tag for the service that visible security provides as an excellent deterrent to potential criminal opportunists. ​​​​​​ Placing undercover officers at your workplace could help to reduce stock loses and keep a track on any suspected misbehavior from your customers or staff.

When you are looking for a security company to run your building parking, visitor registration or general security make sure you go with a company that has the knowledge and skills to implement this properly – do your research on what makes the best security company for your needs.

Implementing A Crime Prevention Strategy

Keeping safe is your number one priority, so having a crime prevention strategy in place should be at the top of your to do list. Wherever you are you need to have a clear plan in place to make sure your home or office is protected and monitored properly. A Security company that is serious about monitoring and deterring possible criminal or illicit acts is one that is looking out for you. Give us a call today for a security consultation.

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